Reventure Top 25


Read why Reventure Consulting

Austin’s housing market is in a BUBBLE and on the verge of collapse.
Read why Reventure Consulting is advising its clients to stay out of the Austin real estate market
and wait for prices to dip before buying.

California Real Estate Crash 2021?

California Real Estate has delivered exceptional returns over the last two decades. But some are now saying the state is in a Housing Bubble that is about crash.

Austin Real Estate: BUBBLE about to POP!

Austin’s housing market is in a BUBBLE and on the verge of collapse. Read why Reventure Consulting is advising its clients to stay out of the Austin real estate market and wait for prices to dip before buying.

Looking for Gentrification? Target these Neighborhoods

Every real estate investor wants Gentrification in their neighborhood. But how does one find it? This article shows you how to use deep data from the US Census to target high-Gentrification areas.

Republican v Democrat: What’s the Impact on Real Estate?

Red States have consistently outperformed Blue States in terms of economic growth and affordable housing over the last 20 years. This makes them a much better investment going forward.

Want to Avoid the 2021 Housing Crash? Look at Price/Rent Ratio!

Home Prices are surging. But the economy is in the tank. How can home buyers and real estate investors make sense of this situation? By looking at Price to Rent Ratio.

DO NOT Buy Real Estate in these Cities in 2021

Looking to buy a home or investment property in 2021? Then you need to read this! There are certain cities that you need to AVOID buying real estate in.

The Best and Worst Markets of 2020

2020 was a banner year for the Housing Market. But some markets vastly outperformed others. This post will breakdown the Best and Worst Markets of 2020 and what to expect going forward.

The Million Dollar Decision: Picking the Right Market

Picking the right market to invest in is Million Dollar Decision. Get it right and you will make a lot of money. Get it wrong and you will struggle. Which side do you want to be on?

Business Formation Data: Predicting Future Growth

Want to find the next hot growth market before anyone else? Start looking at Business Formation Statistics. This data set, tracked by the US Census, provides a window into future real estate growth.

Housing Shortage or Housing Glut: How to Tell the Difference

Is your market experiencing a Housing Glut or Housing Shortage? The answer to this question has large implications for your returns. Fortunately, data analytics can help identify these market situations in real-time.

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